Pics of Coptic and Orthodox Icons with a brilliant Soundtrack Kyrie Eleison, by Peter Mason (used with permission) see for music downloads and also
Chernivtsi cathedral confirms loyalty to Orthodox Church in face of
schismatics’ threats
In the face of threats by the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine,”
hundreds of Orthodox parishioners of the Holy Spirit Cathedral in the city
of Cherni...
4 hours ago
Well done; did you create this?
Papa Herman,
No. I ran across it yesterday and really liked it so I wanted to share it.
I really like the new visual, and now auditory additions to your blog. You broke the silence in many ways! :)
It's nice to get back into the Orthodox focus since our trip.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this combox.
Glad you're back and also thanks for the compliments.
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