Commemorated on September 30
Saint Gregory of Pelsheme, Vologda, was born in the city of Galich,
Kostroma governia. He came from the line of the Lopotov nobility. When
the youth reached age fifteen, his parents wanted him to marry, but
they died, without seeing this come to pass. Young Gregory distributed
the inheritance left him to the poor, and entered the monastery of the
Most Holy Theotokos on the shore of Lake Galich.
The Igumen of the monastery regarded the new monk with mistrust because
of his youth and noble parentage. Therefore, he placed Gregory in
obedience to an experienced Elder. With great humility St Gregory served
all the brethren. After a certain while he was ordained a priest. Soon
St Gregory's fame as a pastor spread, and many began to arrive for
spiritual guidance and counsels.
The Galich prince asked the monk to be godfather for his children.
Burdened by fame and the nearness of his relatives, the monk went to
Rostov to venerate the relics of St Leontius (May 23), and he settled in
the monastery of St Abramius, (October 29). But here also news of the
saint's ascetic feats quickly spread.
The monks of the Savior (Yakovlev) monastery turned to Archbishop
Dionysius of Rostov (1418-1425) with a request to assign St Gregory to
head their monastery. Out of humility the monk accepted the guidance
over the monastery, but after two years he secretly left the monastery
and withdrew into the Vologda forest.
In the Sosnovetsk wilderness he became acquainted with St Dionysius of
Glushitsa (June 1). When the Lord prompted the holy ascetic to found his
own monastery, St Dionysius approved his friend's intention. With a
cross on his shoulders, St Gregory crossed over the River Pelsheme and
planted the cross in a thicket by the river bank.
The first monk in the new monastery was the priest Alexis, in
monasticism Alexander. In 1426 a church was built at the monastery in
honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. Its icons were painted by St
Dionysius, and St Gregory himself copied the sacred texts for the
monastery. Gradually the number of monks increased, the monastery grew
and became more famous.
St Gregory concerned himself with the nurturing of piety at the
monastery, and at the same time he shared in the destiny of his country.
In the year 1433, he went to Moscow in order to prevail upon the
Galich prince Yuri Dimitrievich, who had seized the Moscow principality
from Basil the Dark, to return Moscow to Prince Basil. Prince Yuri
obeyed the monastic Elder.
But in 1434 the son of Prince Yuri, Demetrius Shemyaka, began to ravage
the Vologda lands belonging to the Great Prince. St Gregory, distraught
over the discord and violence, went to Demetrius Shemyaka and
addressed him with bold words. "Prince Demetrius," said the monk, "you
do things that are not Christian. It would be better if you had gone
into a pagan land to a vile people ignorant of God. Widows and orphans
cry out against you to God. How many people will perish from hunger and
cold because of you, and if you don't stop the fratricide, the
bloodshed and violence soon, then you shall lose both your glory and
your princedom."
After this bold denunciation, Shemyaka gave orders to throw the holy
Elder off a bridge. For several hours the monk lay there unmoving. His
denunciations produced the desired effect, and Shemyaka soon quit
Vologda. The courage of the monk only increased the veneration of him.
Before his death, he received the Holy Mysteries, spoke a word of
guidance to the brethren, and appointed as igumen of the monastery his
fellow ascetic Alexander. St Gregory reposed on September 30, 1442 and
was buried in the monastery he founded.
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2013(with 2012's link here also and further, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 and even 2007!)
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