The publishers of this book are against ecumenism in its current, politically correct form.
The book was published in 1982 but its message holds true even more so today, on January 14, 2008.
Our modern ecumenists, which seem to assume that because of the passage of time and the modern threats Christianity faces today in the form of Radical Islam and Militant Atheism, the reasons separating the Orthodox Catholic Churches and the Roman Catholic Church are not important and can be rapproached, especially with some of the formulations coming out of Rome in these last few years under Pope Benedict the XVI.
Unity is being sought under all circumstances under the auspices of a "dialogue of love" which would have us believe that love means the acceptance of contrary and opposing views under one giant feel-good umbrella and that because the umbrella is "love" the things that have separated the two communions for a millenia can easily brought under the one roof and both made to get along under pressure from the forces that threaten both. A forced union. One that is artificial and not of free will nor of truth.
I will not go into here the many and deep issues that underlie our separation. But I will state that those "little things" matter. Alot. That is why the Church calls this man, Maximus the Confessor, a Saint. The truth, in its most minute details mattered to him and he was unwilling to compromise under any terms with those who contended with him.
Saint Maximus did not seek conflict but was a simple monk who enjoyed the love and respect of the people of his day and as such, his favor and endorsement were courted by the Emperor who sought to dogmatize the Monothelite Heresy into the Church. Saint Maximus did not wish for the controversy to attract itself to him but when it did, he did not shy away but stood his ground.
Interestingly, he fled to Rome because Rome alone amongst the other Sees had confessed the Orthodox Catholic Faith which the Saint held. Rome's Pope Saint Martin and the Saint were dragged back to Constantinople where they stood trial for opposing the Emperor and his heresy.
The story contains many lessons and it is right that we call this man "Saint". Let us not also be found among those whom he would have to confess against had he been among us in this present evil day and age.
saint Maximos the Confessor should be a key-study for any candidate to pastorship! All in his life is example for us today, lukewarm Orthodox making confusion between friendship according to the world, and love in the Truth!
Glory to the Lord who gave us such a beacon as saint Maximos
here in French :
Jean-Michel, back from hospital, still unfit for most jobs, but at least I can do some reading..
Amen! and thanks for the link!
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