Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Adding of New Blogs

I made the acquaintance of Maxim initially over at the Ochlophobist' blog during this post by Owen. Before exchanging comments with him on this post, I had been drawn to his comments on other posts on the Ochlophobist.

We communicated after some time by private e-mail, getting into some more depth with certain topics we touched on in the public forum we met on.

This led to some phone conversations which to me, I discovered a friend with which I would like to one day break bread and share face to face conversations with.

Reluctant at one point to begin his own blog, Maxim did just that and I am pleased to announce that blog, Earl Donald the Bewildered , here and now. I will add his page to my sidebar and would encourage those reading to visit him often. Maxim is a sincere fellow with wonderful insight.

Many years to you, Maxim.


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