Commemorated on October 11
Holy Apostle Philip of the Seventy, one of the 7 Deacons is not to be confused with St Philip one of the Twelve Apostles (November 14). This Philip was born in Palestine, was married and had children.
After the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Twelve Apostles made Philip a deacon in the Church of Jerusalem. Along with the other six deacons, they appointed him to deal with the offerings of the faithful and attend to the concerns of the widowed, the orphaned and the needy. The eldest among the seven deacons was the holy Archdeacon Stephen. When the persecution of Christians began, the Jews stoned the Protomartyr Stephen. The Apostle Philip left Jerusalem and settled in Samaria. There he successfully preached Christianity. Among the disciple's converts was the noted magician Simon, who "after being baptized, continued with Philip." (Acts 8:9-13)
At the command of an angel of the Lord, St Philip set out upon the road connecting Jerusalem with Gaza. There he met an official of the empress of Ethiopia, whom also he converted to Christianity (Acts 8:26-39). The holy disciple Philip tirelessly preached the Word of God in many of the lands of the Near East adjoining Palestine. At Jerusalem the Apostles made him a bishop and sent him to Tralles in Asia Minor, where he also baptized many. St Philip died in old age.
Troparion - Tone 4
The universe is adorned and Ethiopia rejoices,For she is enlightened by you and adorned by your crown.O most eloquent Philip she brightly celebrates your memory.You accomplished a course worthy of the Gospel,For you taught all to believe in Christ.Wherefore Ethiopia extends her arms to God,Pray to Him, O Philip, that He will grant us great mercy.
Kontakion - Tone 4
Inspired by the Holy SpiritYou enlightened the whole world with your teachingsAnd the splendor of your miraclesO Apostle Philip, contemplator of Divine Truths.
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