CONTROVERSIAL: Alish Hadji, right, was confirmed as ChiefMufti only after court action following a dispute within the Muslim community.
09:00 Mon 24 Sep 2007
The US state department’s bureau of democracy, human rights, and labour released its International Religious Freedom Report 2007 on September 14. Edited extracts:
Bulgaria’s constitution provides for freedom of religion; however, the law prohibits the public practice of religion by unregistered groups. The constitution also designates Eastern Orthodox Christianity as the “traditional” religion.
There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by the Government during the period covered by this report, and government policy contributed to the generally free practice of religion.
There were some reports of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious belief or practice. Discrimination, harassment, and general public intolerance, particularly in the media, of some religious groups remained an intermittent problem.
The US government discusses religious freedom issues with the Government as part of its overall policy to promote human rights.
Legal/policy framework
The constitution provides for freedom of religion; however, the law prohibits the public practice of religion by unregistered groups. The constitution designates Eastern Orthodox Christianity, represented by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC), as the “traditional” religion, and the Government provided preferential financial support to it, as well as to several other religious communities perceived as holding historic places in society, such as the Muslim, Roman Catholic, and Jewish faiths.
The 2002 Denominations Act requires all religious groups other than the Orthodox Church to register in the Sofia City Court, ...READ THE REST HERE:
Ah, another nation whose traditional culture is Orthodox being pressured by our nation to abandon their traditional way and adopt the western morally and spiritual decaying and "modern" ways of allowing any faith to set up shop in their nation.
Why am I opposed to this?
I believe this to be a continuing violence against the Church and Her truth about the human person. This person is made in a Trinitarian image and his health and well being is to be found in a Trinitatian culture where the person, as person, is rightly understood and this person hood is urged upwards not by individuals, but by a culture that supports and nourishes such true person hood.
With the demise of the Russian Empire, the last of the Orthodox "super cultures", if I may use that term, went away also.
I believe our nation's Masonic underpinnings to hate that exclusive truth that is Orthodoxy. And not only our nation but The New World Order consolidating itself and setting itself up hates Orthodoxy.
The cries for "Freedom!" and "Democracy!" are instruments in the hands of those denaturing the purity of our Holy Faith and instead they give us the poison of Ecumenism which has no power or healing in it whatsoever.
By the way, the Anti Christ will be an ecumenist. He will speak to the people the religion they most want to hear, that we are all brothers(and here I do not mean the Orthodox understanding of "brotherhood" of which I endorse, but the humanist version of "brotherhood" of which I oppose and run from).
To utter otherwise will be folly. The same pressure we now see being put on these formerly Orthodox countries is nothing more than the mop up operation after the fall of the communists(another Freemason movement to destroy the Church) to ensure that Orthodoxy not take root there again.
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