This is a rather lenghty article on the internal situation of the Ukraine which continues to experience several divides as a nation since exiting the U.S.S.R.
The divide(s) occurs along the lines of "pro Russian / anti Russian", "pro Europe / anti Europe", as well as religious divides within the Church.
I am unable to reproduce it as it states at its bottom that it is unlawful for me to do so. I will provide the link, however, and advise the reader to read this article as it is well written and from a mostly unbiased slant.
Read the article here:
Chernivtsi cathedral confirms loyalty to Orthodox Church in face of
schismatics’ threats
In the face of threats by the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine,”
hundreds of Orthodox parishioners of the Holy Spirit Cathedral in the city
of Cherni...
3 hours ago
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