I ran across this clip on facebook today. I have also seen Richard Gage discuss what he feels is the evidence against the official story on what happened on 9-11 on a much longer clip. As well on the longer clip, there was someone who debated him and offered what I feel was good counter-evidence to refute Richard Gage's evidence. However, I did and still do feel that what has been handed down as the official story of what happened on that day is seriously flawed.
That the buildings once stood where they were and no longer do is an indisputable fact. But how they were taken down, by whom, and why are questions that continue to trouble me and many others. In fact, the number of people who have begun to voice doubt is growing and I would say with good reason.
Let me just say up front that I love my country. I pray for her and if need be, I would fight in her defense.
However, with that said, as I have progressed in the Life of the Church, the allure of this world and its kingdoms has been lessening to the proportion that I have begun to understand that Christianity is not a religion but a Kingdom.
And with this, I would have to say that the idea that outrageous things can and do happen in the world which go against all conventions of what we have in the West been raised to believe is fair and just is part of my own working knowledge of what constitutes the Fall and that evil demonic and spiritual powers are actively involved in the world.
To have a credible Orthodox Worldview, one must believe and know this otherwise the Gospel is something less than what it is meant to be. Meaning, the Gospel does not merely offer "spiritual" solace, i.e. is not concerned with the material creation, but confronts evil incarnate, i.e. the fact that evil has real power in the creation and that there is an actual hierarchy of evil.
The Devil is not a myth. Nor should we believe that there aren't those who wield great power and serve him actively and do his bidding. Descending from this inner circle the true knowledge of the diabolical machinations become diffused and at some level it just merely means "the world system"i.e. what we all have brought up in and have come to consider as "normal".
Scripture and the Holy Fathers constantly bring our attention to the very real fact of this evil reality which in modern "enlightened" times has ceased to have people really take its existence seriously.
My Brother, Welcome to the much maligned club of 911 conspiracy theorists. Don't let science get in your way or you might resort to believing what is hidden in plain sight.
The verifiable evidence is exhaustive that the buildings were brought down by controlled detonation. The lease-holder of Building Seven is on tape admitting that, "We decided to pull it", which is a planned detonation term. The same man owned the lease for the Twin Towers.
Can we still be Orthodox and be a member of this club?
I like you more the longer I know you. I look forward to meeting face to face. You are a courageous seeker of truth.
Through prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit, we may begin to fathom the depths of our individual hearts and see irrational depravity and sabotage. Are we not microcosms of society, full of self-destructive tendencies?
Don't we also know our lives, built on countless generations since Adam, each reverberating with accumulated sin, amass a dense, dark, infinitely complex web of deception and spiritual sickness?
The rare exceptions may be the pious and saintly. Of the rest, those that deny this don't really accept the Orthodox world view in its fullness. Many accept degrees of individual and mass villainy, yet cannot fathom the possibility that 9/11 may have been an inside job. This is understandable, and no sin.
Those that have looked carefully at the evidence and reject the official account must confront the fact that evil can work in people's hearts in inverse proportion to God's grace through Christ's incarnation and resurrection. We know who wins this war.
We will never know the whole truth about 9/11, or anything for that matter. Like Gage et al., I think it is utterly absurd that these 3 buildings could symmetrically implode like powder into their own footprints without the input of massive amounts of energy. Not impossible, just absurdly improbable.
I will only shrug my shoulders, say 'oh well', pray to live our lives in peace and repentance, and pray for our leaders and our nation. That, and make an occasional blog post with my opinion; and it is an opinion.
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My Brother, Welcome to the much maligned club of 911 conspiracy theorists. Don't let science get in your way or you might resort to believing what is hidden in plain sight.
The verifiable evidence is exhaustive that the buildings were brought down by controlled detonation. The lease-holder of Building Seven is on tape admitting that, "We decided to pull it", which is a planned detonation term. The same man owned the lease for the Twin Towers.
Can we still be Orthodox and be a member of this club?
I like you more the longer I know you. I look forward to meeting face to face. You are a courageous seeker of truth.
Through prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit, we may begin to fathom the depths of our individual hearts and see irrational depravity and sabotage. Are we not microcosms of society, full of self-destructive tendencies?
Don't we also know our lives, built on countless generations since Adam, each reverberating with accumulated sin, amass a dense, dark, infinitely complex web of deception and spiritual sickness?
The rare exceptions may be the pious and saintly. Of the rest, those that deny this don't really accept the Orthodox world view in its fullness. Many accept degrees of individual and mass villainy, yet cannot fathom the possibility that 9/11 may have been an inside job. This is understandable, and no sin.
Those that have looked carefully at the evidence and reject the official account must confront the fact that evil can work in people's hearts in inverse proportion to God's grace through Christ's incarnation and resurrection. We know who wins this war.
We will never know the whole truth about 9/11, or anything for that matter. Like Gage et al., I think it is utterly absurd that these 3 buildings could symmetrically implode like powder into their own footprints without the input of massive amounts of energy. Not impossible, just absurdly improbable.
I will only shrug my shoulders, say 'oh well', pray to live our lives in peace and repentance, and pray for our leaders and our nation. That, and make an occasional blog post with my opinion; and it is an opinion.
Always good to have you visit.
Thank you so much for your comment.
That is what we are left with, I suppose. No matter what the (whole)truth of the matter may be, we are left with prayer.
Could you please post a link to that longer clip, so that we can review the contrary arguments ourselves? Thanks!
I received your phone call. I was at a wedding reception when you called.
I will look for the clip and post it.
Ok Maxim, I found it. Here you go:
The debate is in two parts, each segment roughly 28 minutes.
Oh, in case you're interested, here is a much fuller presentation by Richard Gage:
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