Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Trinity Week - 3rd Day of the Trinity

Commemorated on June 17

Many of the hymns of Pentecost are repeated in the postfestal services of this week, and references to the Holy Spirit, and to fire, abound. In particular, we are reminded of the Unburnt Bush (Exodus 3:2), the zealous Prophet Elias who ascended to Heaven in a chariot of fire, the three youths in the fiery furnace, and the Lord descending on Mt. Sinai in fire (Exodus 19:18).

As we commemorate the Holy Spirit this week, we look forward to the Sunday of All Saints, those righteous men and women of all nations and in every age, who were perfected and sanctified by the same Holy Spirit.

Troparion - Tone 8

Blessed art You O Christ Our GodYou have revealed the fishermen as most wiseBy sending down upon them the Holy SpiritThrough them You drew the world into Your netO Lover of Man, Glory to You!

Kontakion - Tone 8

When the most High came down and confused the tongues,He divided the nations;But when he distributed the tongues of fireHe called all to unity.Therefore, with one voice, we glorify the All-holy Spirit!


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