My friend David, a new seeker into the Holy Orthodox Catholic Faith found this site while doing an Internet search on Orthodoxy.
The site is Eastern Orthodoxy and I would highly recommend it.
I like these sites which clearly outline their own shortcomings in relating the Orthodox Catholic Faith as any explication is bound to fall short as those writing are unable to capture the the Faith in its fullness in the writing of words explaining it.
I also like sites like this one which are not afraid or ashamed in proclaiming the uniqueness of the Orthodox Catholic Church as being THE Church and not merely the "Eastern" expression of it. The Church is catholic(whole), lacking nothing and needing nothing added to it to complete it.
I will add nothing else but would only invite the reader to explore this forthright yet humble site for a very good explanation of the Faith and good guidance towards further study and inquiry with statements such as this one as a good example of this site's balance:
Like with all Orthodox web pages, their nature on the Internet is rather unofficial, even if these are "official pages". Their aim is to give some information and that is about it.
Even this very web page that you read, dear reader, presents some material we believe to be in line with Orthodox Consciousness but you are not required to come back here to "learn the truth". On the contrary, we urge the reader to leave the Internet and media in general, and visit monasteries and Orthodox temples around the globe to learn the Life from within. Half a day spent with a holy monk or careful and willing participation in one Divine Liturgy is worth a lot more than a month's reading!
The new site's link will be added on the sidebar on this blog under "Orthodox Sites of Note".
The Most Soul-Profiting Services of Lent, Which Most Parishioners Don’t
Attend—and It’s the Fault of Us, the Priests
Homily on the eve of first Sunday of Lent, the Triumph of Orthodoxy
Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov)
Many of our people here complain that they have NOT ONCE...
11 hours ago
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