Monday, September 08, 2008

Adding of a New Orthodox Site

Nathan Lee Lewis-A Sinner
It is my pleasure to add this site to my Blog Roll. Nathan graciously has offered to possibly be of help in my desire to have a part in the making of an Orthodox film.
I look forward to visiting Nathan's site, Journey To Orthodoxy , which in its header states,
"This BLOG is for my family, friends, former churches and other inquirers who may wonder how a good Southern Baptist Boy could have gone so wrong, having fallen off the deep end and plunged into the deep, mystical, mysterious world of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. Let's spend time and discuss these things. One thing is for certain: THIS BLOG MAY RUIN YOUR RELIGION!"
Sounds like lots of fun and very interesting!
I will add Nathan's blog to my sidebar under "Orthodox Blogs".

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