The Holy New Martyr Zachariah was from the Peloponnesos in
Greece. He renounced Christ to become a Moslem, then went to ancient
Patras and worked there as a furrier. He had a book, THE SALVATION OF
SINNERS, which he often read. The book moved him to repentence, and he
wept bitterly for the great evil he had done.
Saint Zachariah met
a certain Elder and told him of his sin. After praying and fasting for
twenty days, he returned to the Elder and confessed all the sins he had
committed during his life. When he asked the Elder’s blessing to seek
martyrdom, the holy man tried to discourage him. He warned that he might
not be killed swiftly, but only after much torture. He also pointed out
the danger that Zachariah would betray Christ a second time under the
torments he would endure. The saint, aflame with zeal for martyrdom,
said he was prepared to suffer myriad punishments for the sake of
The Elder read the prayers of absolution and chrismated
the saint (as is done when apostates from the Faith are received back
into the Church), then administered the Holy Mysteries to him. Then he
blessed Zachariah to go back to the Moslems and declare his faith in
Christ. On his way, the saint asked forgiveness from each Christian he
The holy martyr went to the judge’s house and said that he
had been deceived when he accepted their religion, but now he had come
to his senses and returned to Christ. Saint Zachariah was thrown into
prison, where he was beaten three times a day.
Finally, the saint
died by being stretched out on a rack. Christians asked for his body so
they might bury it, but the Moslems refused. They said, “He is neither
one of you, nor one of us, for he denied both religions. Therefore, he
is unworthy of burial.” His body was dragged through the streets and
thrown into a dry well, landing on its knees in an upright position.
Christians saw a radiant light over the well the next night, and
hastened to venerate the saint. The Turks filled the well with dirt and
debris to prevent such gatherings in the future.
By shedding his
blood, the holy New Martyr Zachariah washed away the sin of his denial
of Christ and received an unfading crown of glory in the year 1782.
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