Saint Glyceria was killed at Adrianopolis during the third century with the martyrs Alexander the Bishop, Heraclius the Soldier, Anna, Elizabeth, and Theodota for their confession of Christ. This was a time when Christianity spread among the pagans. Despite the persecutions against the Christians, Bishop Alexander fearlessly converted and baptized many pagans into the holy saving faith.
The governor of the region ordered his soldiers to use torture to force Bishop Alexander to deny Christ. The saint patiently endured terrible tortures. Struck by this, the soldier Heraclius believed in Christ, for Whom the saint suffered. And after him, the Women Martyrs Anna, Elizabeth, Theodota and Glyceria confessed themselves to be Christians.
St. Glyceria
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2014(with 2013's link here also and further:, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 and even 2007!):
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