From "WCC Media" <>
Date Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:38:08 +0200
World Council of Churches - News Release
Contact: +41 22 791 6153 +41 79 507 6363
>For immediate release - 26/06/2008 16:49:39
Challenges facing Christians today are too strong for a divided
church, said World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary
Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia in Egypt recently as he called for church
unity both locally and globally. Kobia was speaking during a
16-21 June visit to WCC member churches in the country.
Among the most urgent challenges for Middle Eastern churches arethe regional peace process and the migration of Christians, bothof which are addressed by the 2007 Amman Call, a document inwhich some 130 representatives of churches and Christianorganizations from six continents agreed on guiding principlesfor their work in the region.
A WCC delegation led by Kobia was welcomed to Egypt by theMetropolitan Bishoy of Damiette, from the Coptic Orthodox Church.He greeted the visitors on behalf of patriarch Pope Shenouda IIIwho was abroad for health treatment.
The group met Rev. Dr Safwat al Bayady and chairpersons of thedifferent councils of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church ofEgypt, also known as the Synod of the Nile. Kobia expressedappreciation of the Synod's contribution to the ecumenical workin the country.
The WCC general secretary greeted the Faith and Order StandingCommission, whose members were meeting in Cairo from 16-22 June.The delegation attended a session of the Commission, in whichthey discussed a study project on moral discernment.
The WCC delegation as well as the members of the Faith and OrderStanding Commission was received by Pope Theodoros II, GreekOrthodox Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa. Pope Theodorosbestowed on Kobia the Cross of the Patriarchate and congratulatedhim upon his contribution to the WCC. Kobia will be leaving theWCC at the end of 2008.
Interreligious dialogue must aim to preserve human dignity
The delegation met the Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar University andGrand Imam of Al-Azhar Mosque Dr Mohammad Sayyed Tantawy withwhom they discussed the prospects for Christian-Muslim dialogue."An accurate mutual understanding of religions can only beachieved if Christians and Muslims see each other as human beingsrather than as representatives of different faith groups," saidKobia.
Tantawy briefed the delegation on cultural and interreligiousdialogue initiatives between the Coptic Orthodox, Anglican andRoman Catholic churches and the Al Azhar Mosque, considered bymany one of the most influential Sunni Muslim institutions."Preserving human dignity and procuring a safe environment forliving together should be the aim of all interreligiousdialogues", Tantawy said.
The Minister of religious affairs Dr Mahmoud Zakzouk met thedelegation and emphasized the importance of communication inorder to modify negative perceptions of Islam. "Islam is areligion of love, respect and peace; we reject all aspects ofviolence", stated Zakzouk.
In turn, Kobia emphasized the role of interreligious dialogue inovercoming misunderstandings and prejudices. "Christians andMuslims form together more than 55% of the world's population. Ifwe find ways of dialogue and we live peacefully together then wewill contribute to global peace", he said.
For this goal to be achieved, Kobia and Zakzouk agreed,interreligious dialogue cannot be confined to leaders, scholarsand intellectuals only. Ordinary people living in interreligioussettings need to be involved in interreligious dialogue if thisis to have an impact on people's lives.
A meeting with the secretary general of the League of ArabNations, Amro Moussa was an opportunity to discuss a possiblecooperation in the search for peace and justice in the MiddleEast and in Palestine/Israel in particular.
Members of the WCC delegation that visited Egypt:
· Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, WCC general secretary
· Mr Guirguis Saleh, Middle East Council of Churches generalsecretary
· Ms Sophia Shokry, WCC commission on youth in the ecumenicalmovement (ECHOS) member· H.G. Bishop Gregorios of Mesaoria, Church of Cyprus
· Mr Michael Spyrou, Church of Cyprus
· Ms Carla Khijoyan, WCC programme consultant for EcumenicalSolidarity and Regional Relations
WCC member churches in Egypt:
( )
>WCC work with churches in the Middle East:
WCC programme on Interreligious Dialogue:
See also the WCC press release of 12 June 2008: "Egypt visit tohighlight WCC Middle East focus":
Additional information:Juan Michel,+41 22 791 6153 +41 79
The World Council of Churches promotes Christian unity in faith,witness and service for a just and peaceful world. An ecumenicalfellowship of churches founded in 1948, today the WCC bringstogether 349 Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and other churchesrepresenting more than 560 million Christians in over 110countries, and works cooperatively with the Roman CatholicChurch. The WCC general secretary is Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, fromthe Methodist Church in Kenya. Headquarters: Geneva,Switzerland.
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