Saint Leucius the Confessor was born in the city of
Alexandria of pious parents named Eudykius and Euphrosyne. They gave
their son the name Eutropius. The mother died when the lad was 11 years
old, and his father took monastic tonsure at the monastery of Saint
Hermias, taking along his son with him to the monastery. The boy was
raised under the spiritual guidance of the Igumen Nicetas and also
experienced monastic elders. The boy showed himself to be very capable,
and assiduously he studied Holy Scripture. Eutropius grew up into a
quiet, meek and obedient lad. When he reached age 18, the Igumen Nicetas
The brethren of the monastery unanimously chose Eutropius
as Igumen, even though he was not yet tonsured into monasticism.
Reckoning himself unworthy to guide monks when he was not a monk
himself, Eutropius refused. For seven years the monastery of Saint
Hermias remained without a head. During these years Eutropius,
struggling at monastic labors, attained to an high degree of spiritual
One time Eutropius set off on the feast of the Dormition of
the Mother of God to visit all the churches of the Dormition around the
city of Alexandria. At the celebrations Hellius, Bishop of Heliopolis,
presided together with his clergy. At the same time he visited the
monastery headed by the Igumen Theodore. It was at this monastery that
both father and son then remained. By night the father Eudykios had a
revelation about his own approaching end, and also that his son would
become a bishop and enlighten with the light of the Christian Faith the
city and region of Brundisium (now Brindisi in Calabria-Apuleia) in
And in this same vision a new name for Eutropius was
revealed: Leucius, meaning “the Spirit of the Lord is come upon him.”
And it was on the feast of the Dormition in the church of the Mother of
God that Bishop Hellius heard a voice from Heaven, blessing Leucius for
archpastoral service, and he directed the archdeacon to enquire of those
praying who it was that bore this name. Then with love he blessed Saint
Leucius and his father.
The monks of the Hermias monastery
earnestly besought the bishop to install Saint Leucius as Igumen of the
monastery. Although the ascetic initially refused, considering himself
unworthy, he then submitted himself to the bishop and was ordained to
the priesthood and was made Igumen.
From this time Saint Leucius
intensified his efforts, and God granted him the grace of working
miracles, and casting out demons. Once a devil assumed the form of an
immense serpent, and killed many in the nearby villages. The holy
ascetic hastened to come to the aid of the villagers and he delivered
them from the power of the devil. Seeing this, about three thousand
pagans in the vicinity accepted Baptism.
During this period the
Philip, Bishop of Alexandria, died a martyr, and Saint Leucius was
chosen in his place. Seeing that Saint Leucius was converting many
pagans to Christianity, the eparch Saturninus decided to kill him.
Wishing to defend their archpastor, some of the Christians wanted to
kill the eparch. Learning of this, the saint forbade them to cause the
eparch any harm. Saint Leucius told his flock that the Lord had
commanded him to go to a pagan land and to enlighten with the light of
the Christian Faith the city of Brundisium and its surrounding region.
holy archpastor established a worthy bishop in his place, and he then
took with him the deacons Eusebius and Dionysius and five students, and
they hastened onto a ship sailing for Italy. Along the way they were
joined by the priests Leon and Sabinus. On their journey to Brundisium
the saint met up with the tribune Armaleon and his 67 soldiers, all whom
he converted to Christianity. In the city he began to preach to the
people about Jesus Christ. The head of the city, named Antiochus,
learned that the tribune Armaleon had converted to Christianity, and so
he summoned him and questioned him about the Christian teaching for a
long time. Learning about Saint Leucius, the governor wished to meet
At the meeting the governor said: “If you want us to believe
in the God that you preach, beseech Him to send down rain upon our
land, which we have not seen for two years already.” The saint summoned
his clergy and all the newly-baptized Christians, and made fervent
supplication. Then rain poured down in abundance, soaking the parched
earth. Seeing this miracle, Antiochus and all the city of Brundisium
(27,000 people) accepted Baptism. In memory of this event, a church was
built in honor of the Mother of God, and at the place where the people
were baptized, a second church in honor of Saint John the Baptist.
Soon the saint fell ill, and it was revealed to him in a vision that he
would die of the sickness. Summoning his spiritual son Antiochus, Saint
Leucius gave final instructions to bury him at the place where the ship
carrying him from Alexandria had landed. Antiochus fulfilled the request
of the archpastor and built a church dedicated to Saint Leucius. The
relics of the saint were transferred to it, and numerous miracles
occurred there.
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nuci ...
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The Catacomb Church (1991)
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Εσύ ετοίμασες την Φάτνη σου;
*Άκουε ουρανέ και ενωτίζου η γη· ιδού γαρ ο Υιός και Λόγος του Θεού και
Πατρός, πρόεισι τεχθήναι…*
Αναρωτηθήκαμε ποτέ, γιατί άραγε ο...
Ascension and Judgment in the Triumphal Entry
One of the key features of the Gospels is the many prophecies of Christ
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Continue reading →
England and Wales, 2019
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always enjoy coming home, the truth of the matter is that I was not quite
ready to ...
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II. When truth functions as law
III. The fence and the circle of orthodoxy
IV. Criticizing Magisterial failures
V. ...
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Moving Day
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