June 13
Alexandra was a wealthy landowner in several provinces of Russia. She was widowed at an early age, so she went to a monastery in Kiev and began zealously to lead the ascetic life. The Mother of God appeared to her in a vision, saying she was destined to found a new monastery. After a prolonged time, she found the place chosen by the Mother of God. It was not far from the men's monastery of Sarov. Under their guidance, she began her ascetic life in a cell next to the church. She used her great wealth for the construction and renovation of churches. She also provide for orphans, widows, and the poor. She struggled in the most difficult physical labor. She even cleaned the cattle shed and washed clothes. The peasants recalled her great humility and secret good works. Novices began to join her, and a small community was formed. They received wanderers and practiced unceasingly the Jesus Prayer. Her clothing had many patches and her eyes never dried from her tears. People flowed to her to listen to her instructions, advice, and receive her blessing. St. Seraphim of Sarov always spoke about her with profound respect. After her death, he saw her at the throne of God. She died in 1789. Shortly before her death, she was tonsured into the great angelic schema. Many miracles and healings were wrought by Mother Alexandra after her death, and her portrait began to be venerated as wonder working.
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2017(with 2016's link here also and further: 2015,2014 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and even 2008!):
Spiritual will of Archbishop Anastasios of Albania read at 40th-day memorial
Over the weekend, the Albanian Orthodox Church, together with guests from
other Local Churches, commemorated the 40th day of the repose of His
Beatitude Ar...
7 hours ago
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