Saint Basil, the Elder of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky
(November 15), was born toward the end of the seventeenth century. He
received monastic tonsure at Dalhautsi-Focshani Skete in 1705 or 1706,
laboring in asceticism with great fervor.
Saint Basil was
ordained to the holy priesthood, and became igumen of Dalhautsi in 1715.
He remained in that position for twenty years, and was a wise
instructor of monks, teaching them obedience, humility, and the art of
the Jesus Prayer.
The fame of this great spiritual Father began to
spread, so that even Prince Constantine Mavrocordat heard of him. Saint
Basil’s community became known as a spiritual school of hesychasm,
based on the wisdom of the Holy Fathers. When the number of his
disciples increased until there was no longer room for all of them at
Dalhautsi, they settled in other Sketes in the area. In this way, his
influence and teaching spread to other places, inspiring a spiritual
renewal of Romanian monastic life in the eighteenth century.
Basil renovated the Poiana Marului (Apple Orchard) Skete near the city
of Romni-Sarat between 1730-1733, then moved there with twelve
disciples. In addition to his duties as Igumen of Poiana Marului, Saint
Basil was the spiritual guide of all the Sketes in the Buzau Mountains.
One of his most famous disciples was Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, whom he
tonsured on Mount Athos in 1750.
The holy Elder Basil also wrote
introductions to the writings of Saints Gregory of Sinai, Nilus of Sora,
and others who wrote about the spiritual life, guarding the mind, and
on the Jesus Prayer. He taught that the Holy Scriptures are a “saving
medicine” for the soul, and recommended reading the Holy Fathers in
order to obtain a correct understanding of Scripture, and to avoid being
led astray through misunderstanding. Saint Basil also warned against
any inclination to excuse ourselves and our sins, for this hinders true
Saint Basil fell asleep in the Lord on April 25, 1767,
leaving behind many disciples. His influence has been felt in other
Orthodox countries beyond the borders of Romania.
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*Original English Text*
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