Commemorated on December 10
The life of the Serbian ruler Stephen Brankovich and his family was
filled with instability and misfortune. After Serbia was seized in 1457
by the Turks, the then Serbian ruler’s middle son, Stephen (October 9),
distinguished by a meek disposition and fine knowledge of Holy
Scripture, went to the capital of Turkey after his sister had been given
to Sultan Murat in marriage. Learning that the Turks had burned the
Mileshevsk monastery with fanatic cruelty, St Stephen rose up to defend
Serbia from oppression.
When he married Angelina (July 30), the
daughter of the Prince of Albania, the Turks threatened St Stephen and
his family with punishment. With his wife and three children he was
forced to hide first in Albania, and then in Italy, where he died.
Angelina transferred the incorrupt relics of her spouse to Kupinovo. At
the end of the fifteenth century a son of the Righteous Stephen and
Angelina, St John, became ruler of Serbia. The incorrupt relics of St
John and his parents were afterwards glorified by many miracles.
Glorious art Thou who workest great wonders, / and who glorifies upon
their deaths those who glorify Thee, / revealing their bodies incorrupt /
and enriching Thy people through their wonderworking relics. / To the
glory of Thy Holy Name, / Thou gavest us the relics of God-pleasing
John, / who intercedes for our souls.
Podoben: “O victorious Leader...” / O come, let us worthily praise the
holy John, / the newly glorified servant of God’s grace, / the glory of
our faith and our intercessor / who invites us to sing with grateful
voices / and to glorify Him who glorifies His saints, / for he prays for
those who celebrate his memory / and who sing to him: “Rejoice, O holy
John, you newly blossomed flower!”
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2014(with 2013's link here also and further:, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 and even 2007!):
Metropolitan Onuphry blesses special Lenten prayer rule
As every year, the primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has blessed the
faithful to take up a special Lenten prayer rule for spiritual growth and
for p...
5 hours ago
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