Saint Augustine was from Italy, and a disciple of St Felix,
Bishop of Messana. St Gregory Dialogus (March12) chose him to lead a
mission of forty monks to evangelize the people of Britain. They arrived
at Ebbsfleet (on the isle of Thanet) in Kent in 597.
Ethelbert, whose Frankish wife Bertha was a Christian, welcomed them.
They were allowed to base their mission at the ancient church of St
Martin in Canterbury, which was restored for their use. This church had
been built during the Roman occupation of Britain, and the queen often
went there to pray. At first, the king was reluctant to give up his
pagan beliefs, but he promised not to harm them, and to supply them with
whatever they needed. He also promised that he would not prevent them
from preaching Christianity. St Augustine later converted the king to
Christianity, along with thousands of his subjects. The holy
right-believing King Ethelbert is commemorated on February 25.
says that St Augustine was consecrated as Archbishop of Britain by
Archbishop Etherius of Arles (others say that it was his successor St
Virgilius of Arles [March 5] who consecrated St Augustine). Returning to
Britain, he threw himself into the work of evangelizing the country
with renewed zeal. St Augustine built Christ Church, predecessor of the
present cathedral at Canterbury, and consecrated it on June 9, 603
(according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle). He also founded the monastery
of Sts Peter and Paul east of the city. Here St Augustine, the
Archbishops of Canterbury, and the Kings of Kent were buried. The
monastery, now in ruins, was later known as St Augustine’s Monastery.
saint was instrumental in founding the dioceses of Rochester and
London. In 604 he consecrated St Justus (November 10) and St Mellitus
(April 24) as bishops for those Sees. St Augustine also helped the king
draft the earliest Anglo-Saxon laws, and founded a school in Canterbury.
Augustine was not completely successful in all his efforts, however. He
was not able to achieve unity with the already existing Christian
communities who followed Celtic practices. He met with some of their
bishops to urge them to abandon their Celtic traditions and to accept
the Roman practices. He invited them to cooperate with him in
evangelizing the country, but they refused to give up their ancient
traditions. Before meeting with St Augustine in 603, the Celtic
bishops asked a holy hermit whether or not to accept Augustine as their
leader. The hermit replied, “If he rises to greet you, then accept him.
If he remains seated, then he is arrogant and unfit to be your leader,
and you should reject him.” Unfortunately, St Augustine did not rise to
greet them. Perhaps St Augustine was, to some degree, a bit tactless and
too insistent on conformity to Roman customs. On the other hand, Celtic
resentment against Roman authority also contributed to the stormy
Known in his lifetime as a wonderworker, St
Augustine fell asleep in the Lord on May 26, 604. He was laid to rest at
the entrance of the unfinished church of Sts Peter and Paul. When the
church was dedicated in 613, his holy relics were placed inside. An
epitaph was composed for his tomb. In part, it reads: “Here lies the
Lord Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury, sent here by blessed
Gregory, bishop of the city of Rome, who with the help of God, and aided
by miracles, guided King Ethelbert and his people from the worship of
idols to the Faith of Christ.”
St Bede (May 27) gives detailed
information about St Augustine’s mission to Britain in his HISTORY OF
THE ENGLISH CHURCH AND PEOPLE (Book I, 23-33. Book II, 1-3).
“St. Gabriel is My Beloved Holy Brother”
For the anniversary of the uncovering of his holy relics (February 22)
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