Commemorated on March 17
Saint Alexis was born at Rome into the family of the pious and
poverty-loving Euphemianus and Aglais. The couple was childless for a
long time and constantly prayed the Lord to grant them a child. And the
Lord consoled the couple with the birth of their son Alexis.
six years of age the child began to read and successfully studied the
mundane sciences, but it was with particular diligence that he read Holy
Scripture. When he was a young man, he began to imitate his parents: he
fasted strictly, distributed alms and beneath his fine clothing he
secretly wore a hair shirt. Early on there burned within him the desire
to leave the world and serve God. His parents, however, had arranged for
Alexis to marry a beautiful and virtuous bride.
On his wedding
night, Alexis gave her his ring and his belt (which were very valuable)
and said, “Keep these things, Beloved, and may the Lord be with us until
His grace provides us with something better.” Secretly leaving his
home, he boarded a ship sailing for Mesopotamia.
Arriving in the
city of Edessa, where the Icon of the Lord “Not-made-by-Hands” (August
16) was preserved, Alexis sold everything that he had, distributed the
money to the poor and began to live near the church of the Most Holy
Theotokos under a portico. The saint used a portion of the alms he
received to buy bread and water, and he distributed the rest to the aged
and infirm. Each Sunday he received the Holy Mysteries.
parents sought the missing Alexis everywhere, but without success. The
servants sent by Euphemianus also arrived in Edessa, but they did not
recognize the beggar sitting at the portico as their master. His body
was withered by fasting, his comeliness vanished, his stature
diminished. The saint recognized them and gave thanks to the Lord that
he received alms from his own servants.
The inconsolable mother
of Saint Alexis confined herself in her room, incessantly praying for
her son. His wife also grieved with her in-laws.
Saint Alexis
dwelt in Edessa for seventeen years. Once, the Mother of God spoke to
the sacristan of the church where the saint lived: “Lead into My church
that Man of God, worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. His prayer rises up to
God like fragrant incense, and the Holy Spirit rests upon him.” The
sacristan began to search for such a man, but was not able to find him
for a long time. Then he prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos, beseeching
Her to clear up his confusion. Again a voice from the icon proclaimed
that the Man of God was the beggar who sat in the church portico.
sacristan found Saint Alexis and brought him into the church. Many
recognized him and began to praise him. The saint secretly boarded a
ship bound for Cilicia, intending to visit the church of Saint Paul in
Tarsus. But God ordained otherwise. A storm took the ship far to the
West and it reached the coast of Italy. The saint journeyed to Rome and
decided to live in his own house. Unrecognized, he humbly asked his
father’s permission to settle in some corner of his courtyard.
Euphemianus settled Alexis in a specially constructed cell and gave
orders to feed him from his table.
Living at his parental home,
the saint continued to fast and he spent day and night at prayer. He
humbly endured insults and jeering from the servants of his father. The
cell of Alexis was opposite his wife’s windows, and the ascetic suffered
grievously when he heard her weeping. Only his immeasurable love for
God helped the saint endure this torment. Saint Alexis dwelt at the
house of his parents for seventeen years and the Lord revealed to him
the day of his death. Then the saint, taking paper and ink, wrote
certain things that only his wife and parents would know. He also asked
them to forgive him for the pain he had caused them.
On the day
of Saint Alexis’ death in 411, Archbishop Innocent (402-417) was serving
Liturgy in the presence of the emperor Honorius (395-423). During the
services a Voice was heard from the altar: “Come unto Me, all ye who
labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt.11:28). All
those present fell to the ground in terror.
The Voice continued:
“On Friday morning the Man of God comes forth from the body; have him
pray for the city, that you may remain untroubled.” They began to search
throughout Rome, but they did not find the saint. Thursday evening the
Pope was serving Vigil in the Church of Saint Peter. He asked the Lord
to show them where to find the Man of God.
After Liturgy the
Voice was heard again in the temple: “Seek the Man of God in the house
of Euphemianus.” All hastened there, but the saint was already dead. His
face shone like the face of an angel, and his hand clasped the paper,
and they were unable to take it. They placed the saint’s body on a cot,
covered with costly coverings. The Pope and the Emperor bent their knees
and turned to the saint, as to one yet alive, asking him to open his
hand. And the saint heard their prayer. When the letter was read, the
righteous one’s wife and parents tearfully venerated his holy relics.
body of the saint was placed in the center of the city. The emperor and
the Pope carried the body of the saint into the church, where it
remained for a whole week, and then was placed in a marble crypt. A
fragrant myrrh began to flow from the holy relics, bestowing healing
upon the sick.
The venerable relics of Saint Alexis, the Man of
God, were buried in the church of Saint Boniface. The relics were
uncovered in the year 1216.
The Life of Saint Alexis, the Man of God, was always very popular in Russia.
You budded from a famous and glorious root; / You blossomed from a royal
and illustrious city, O supremely wise Alexis; / You disdained
everything on earth as corruptible and fleeting, / And you hastened to
Christ the Master. / Always entreat Him to save our souls.
Today with hymns and praise / We celebrate the feast of Alexis the
blessed and we cry aloud: / Rejoice, gladsome adornment of the
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St. John of Shanghai, the Moscow Patriarchate, and Other Local Orthodox
I recently participated in a discussion with an Old Calendarist, and
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