October 16
Tone of the week: Plagal of the Fourth Tone
Sixth Eothinon
On the Sunday that falls on or immediately after the
eleventh of this month, we chant the Service to the 350 holy Fathers of
the Seventh Ecumenical Council, which gathered in Nicaea in 787 under
the holy Patriarch Tarasius and during the reign of the Empress Irene
and her son, Constantine Porphyrogenitus, to refute the Iconoclast
heresy, which had received imperial support beginning with the Edict
issued in 726 by Emperor Leo the Isaurian. Many of the holy Fathers who
condemned Iconoclasm at this holy Council later died as Confessors and
Martyrs for the holy Icons during the second assult of Iconoclasm in the
ninth century, especially during the reigns of Leo the Armenian and
Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
From on high didst Thou descend, O Compassionate One; to burial
of three days hast Thou submitted that Thou mightest free us from our
passions. O our Life and Resurrection, Lord, glory be to Thee.
Apolytikion of Sun. of the 7th Ecumenical Council in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
You are greatly glorified, O Christ our God, who established our
Fathers as luminaries upon the earth, and through them led us all to the
true Faith. O Most compassionate, glory to You.
Seasonal Kontakion in the Second Tone
O Protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, mediation
unto the creator most constant: O despise not the voices of those who
have sinned; but be quick, O good one, to come unto our aid, who in
faith cry unto thee: Hasten to intercession and speed thou to make
supplication, O thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that
honor thee.
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2015(with 2014's link here also and further: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 and even 2007!):
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