Sunday, July 17, 2016

Passion-bearer Grand Duchess Olga

Commemorated on July 17

Saint Olga, the oldest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsaritsa Alexandra, was born in 1895.

St Olga was shot by Bolshevik executioners on July 4, 1918 along with her parents, brother, and sisters.


Most noble and sublime was your life and death, O Sovereigns; / Wise Nicholas and blest Alexandra, we praise you, / Acclaiming your piety, meekness, faith, and humility, / Whereby you attained to crowns of glory in Christ our God, / With your five renowned and godly children of blessed fame. / O passion-bearers decked in purple, intercede for us.


Royalty and martyrdom were joined together, O blessed ones, / In your death for righteousness and right belief, O wise Sovereigns, / Nicholas and Alexandra, with your five children. / Hence, Christ our God counted you worthy of thrones in Heaven; / And with twofold crowns of glory, / You reign forever, adorned with grace divine.


SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2014(with 2013's link here also and further:, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and even 2008!):

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