Commemorated on August 1
Saint Solomonia was the mother of the seven Maccabee brothers. She encouraged her sons to remain faithful to the Law of God even when threatened with death.
This admirable mother is honored and remembered for her great courage, for she watched all seven of her sons die in a single day. May we also be faithful to God's commandments and the traditions of the Church.
Let us praise the seven Maccabees, with their mother Salome and their teacher Eleazar; they were splendid in lawful contest as guardians of the teachings of the Law. Now as Christ's holy martyrs they ceaselessly intercede for the world.
Seven pillars of the Wisdom of God and seven lampstands of the divine Light, all-wise Maccabees, greatest of the martyrs before the time of the martyrs, with them ask the God of all to save those who honor you.
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2010(with 2009's link here also and further, 2008's):
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