Commemorated on August 7
On the first day of the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration, the hymns of Vespers speak of the amazement of the Apostles when they saw Christ transfigured before them. The Savior's equality with the Father is also stressed, for He who covers Himself with light as with a garment is now transfigured before His disciples, "shining more brightly than the sun."
Troparion - Tone 7
You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God,
revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it.
Let Your everlasting Light also shine upon us sinners,
through the prayers of the Theotokos.
O Giver of Light, glory to You!
Kontakion - Tone 7
On the Mountain You were Transfigured, O Christ God,
And Your disciples beheld Your glory as far as they could see it;
So that when they would behold You crucified,
They would understand that Your suffering was voluntary,
And would proclaim to the world,
That You are truly the Radiance of the Father!
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2009(with 2008's link here also):
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