Friday, March 04, 2016

Right-believing Prince Wenceslaus of the Czech Lands

Commemorated on March 4

The Translation of the Relics of the Right-Believing Prince St Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav) of the Czech Lands.

On September 28, 935, when St Wenceslaus went to Matins, he was wickedly murdered at the doors of the church by his own brother and his brother’s servants. His body was stabbed and discarded without burial.

The mother, hearing of the murder of her son, found and placed his body in a recently consecrated church at the princely court. They were not able to wash off the blood splashed on the church doors, but after three days it disappeared by itself.

After repenting of his sin, the murderer transferred the relics of St Wenceslaus to Prague, where they were placed in the church of St Vitus, which the martyr himself had constructed. The memory of Prince Wenceslaus is honored from of old in the Russian Orthodox Church.

St Wenceslaus is also commemorated on September 28.


SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2014(with 2013's link here also and further:, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and even 2008!):

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