Sunday, January 27, 2013

15th Sunday of Luke

January 27

Tone of the week: Tone One

First Eothinon

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the First Tone
The stone had been secured with a seal by the Judeans, * and a guard of soldiers was watching Your immaculate body. * You rose on the third day, O Lord * and Savior, granting life unto the world. * For this reason were the powers of heaven crying out to You, O Life-giver: * Glory to Your resurrection, O Christ; * glory to Your eternal rule; * glory to Your dispensation, only One who loves mankind.

Seasonal Kontakion in the First Tone
Your birth sanctified a Virgin's womb and properly blessed the hands of Symeon. Having now come and saved us O Christ our God, give peace to Your commonwealth in troubled times and strengthen those in authority, whom You love, as only the loving One.

Resurrectional Kontakion in the First Tone
As God, Thou didst arise from the tomb in glory, and Thou didst raise the world together with Thyself. And mortal nature praised Thee as God, and death was obliterated. And Adam danceth for joy, O Master, and Eve, now freed from her fetters, rejoiceth as she crieth out: Thou, O Christ, dost grant resurrection unto all.


SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2012(with 2011's link here also and further, 2010, 2009 and even 2008!):

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