Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Holy Prophet Aggaeus (Haggai)

December 16

The Prophet Aggaeus, whose name means "festive," was born in Babylon at the time of the captivity Of the Jews. He began to prophesy in Jerusalem after their return thereto, and to admonish the people to rebuild the Temple, in the days of Zorobabel, the second year of the reign of Darius Hystaspes, King of Persia, about the year 520 before Christ. His prophecy, divided into two chapters, is ranked tenth among the minor Prophets.

Apolytikion in the Second Tone
As we celebrate the memory of Thy Prophet Aggaeus, O Lord, through him we beseech Thee to save our souls.

Kontakion in the Second Tone
Illumined in mind with streams of light from Heaven's heights, thou brightly didst shine in prophecy throughout the world; and in manifesting types of Christ's dispensation, which was to come, thou becamest illustrious, O Prophet Aggaeus, wise in things divine.



SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2011(with 2010's link here also and further, 2009, 2008's, even 2007!)

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