Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What's in a Family Tree?

"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday
And I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again

Won't Get Fooled Again-The Who

When Barack Obama took office we all saw democracy in action. From amongst the cream of the crop of our population we culled the very best of our citizenry to run for the highest office in our Land and were afforded the opportunity to once again breathe well that those who have our best interests at heart are the ones we get to choose from to vote for to be our Maste...er, servants, did we not?

We threw off oppressive royalty in 1776 and since then we have paraded "We the People" in action on the world stage and taken a special American pride that those who serve "We the People" are "We the People".

When we voted in Barack Obama we voted for "Change" and "Change" is what we got, right?

I wonder what these dumb videos are all about then.

Barack's family line. Which incidentally casts a new light on "The Birthers" who contend that he is not a natural born American citizen. Maybe that debate is moot.

And it doesn't look any better for the guy he replaced.

Ha, ha, ha. This is all such a hoot. In their own words now.

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