Saturday, September 13, 2008

God's Garden, a documentary about Father Moses Berry

As some of you may know, recently my brother and I began to desire to make an Orthodox movie. Not being filmakers, I just put it out there and since then I've spoken to several people about our idea: what it would require, time frame, money, etc.

I spoke to John Maddex of Ancient Faith Radio and he was very gracious and helpful and put me in touch with Joel W. Smith, the producer of God's Garden.

Joel and I spoke some on the phone and he told me about this project he had been working on.

Tonight Joel e-mailed with the latest development and asked me to spread the word about God's Garden and so with this post I am.

In his e-mail Joel listed four simple things I and anyone else could do to make this film a reality. They are:

1. Take a few minutes to explore the website; look at the photos, listen to the stories, watch the promo and comment on what you see.

2. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and comment on the videos. (More are coming!)

3. Send us ideas and introduce us to people you know who may be able to help us.

4. Finally, forward this email to family, friends, and associates and encourage them to spread the word.

Please take some time, dear reader, to explore this project and to prayerfully and financially support it. It is truly beautiful.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I believe more martyrs died in Russia in the last century than all Christian history since the stoni9ng of St Stephen.

    What is needed is a film about the life of one of those Russian martyrs that shows the point in a way that ordinary people in the West can relate to...

  2. That would be a great movie. There are so many good little money though and people willing to really devote themselves to these ideas.
