Monday, August 04, 2008

Adding of a New Orthodox Site

I must commend anyone reading to this site,

Orthodox Patristics-"An Exploration of the Orthodox Fathers".

I have only very recently begun poking around there and to express my joy would be hard for me.

The reason is that James Kelly is extremely bright but even more so his knowledge is wed to a wonderful grace which he uses to speak about our Holy Faith with rare love and insight. As well it would appear that he is a practitioner of prayer.

I look forward to seeing James interact on the Blogosphere and to check in regularly on his site.
I will add the link to his site on my sidebar under "Orthodox Blogs".

Please visit often, dear reader.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "Wed to a wonderful grace"? Really?

    He comes across as extremely vitriolic and unnecessarily polemical.

    Whether or not he is knowledgeable, James acts like a small child, pounding his at whomever he disagrees with.
