Friday, February 29, 2008

Adding of a new site-Monachos.Net

I ran across this wonderful site yesterday when I googled "St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery-cult" in response to some people claiming the monastery was a cult.

Having been there several times and leaving each time with such a wonderful experience, my last such experience written about here , these charges by Orthodox people I knew really upset me and hurt me and I knew that slander has an infectious aspect to it so I dismissed it.

But I decided to do the search anyway and found this discussion on the matter which naturally led me to this site's home page:


I print a brief description of this sites focus:

Welcome to,[1]
exists to further the study of Orthodox Christianity through reflection on its patristic, monastic,
liturgical and ecclesiastical heritage. Its aim is to be a resource for
academic, scholarly and personal study, a forum for the provision of patristic source and
secondary materials as well as ecclesiastical information on related matters, an
environment for the discussion of and reflection upon the Church's patristic, monastic,
liturgical and ecclesiastical heritage, and a means of providing access to
materials on the Church's thought and life.

This web site first appeared
in September 2000, in response to repeated requests for the type of materials
described above. has thus been, from its inception,
specifically designed not to emulate or duplicate the function and character of
the great number of web sites offering information on the Orthodox Church as a
whole, especially as it relates to other Christian traditions throughout the world;
nor was it designed to be another forum for the discussion of general Orthodox
theology. Those web sites which take these goals in hand are ample to the task,
and many of the best are indexed in our
on-line. Our purpose has remained specifically to address
an area less often explored in detail on-line: the thought and life of the
Church through the reading, study of and reflection upon the rich traditions of
the patristic and
monastic witnesses, together with the liturgical and ecclesiastical life of the
Church throughout its history.

Please visit this wonderful site.

Its link will be added on the sidebar of this site under "Orthodox Sites of Note".


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