Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Afterfeast of the Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Commemorated on January 8

The second day of the Afterfeast of Theophany falls on January 8. At Vespers we repeat a hymn which has already been sung at Compline for Theophany. In the hymn St John wonders in whose name he should baptize Christ. Should he baptize Him in the name of the Father? The Lord Jesus Christ already bears Him in Himself. Of the Son? He Himself is the incarnate Son of God. Of the Holy Spirit? Christ Himself sends the Spirit.

Troparion - Tone 4

Of old, the river Jordanturned back before Elisha's mantle at Elijah's ascension.The waters were parted in twoand the waterway became a dry path.This is truly a symbol of baptismby which we pass through this mortal life.Christ has appeared in the Jordan to sanctify the waters!

Kontakion - Tone 4

Today the Lord enters the Jordan and cries out to John:"Do not be afraid to baptize me.For I have come to save Adam, the first-formed man."


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