Monday, December 03, 2007

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day, Nor Was Modern Anti-Serbian Racism

Serbs: A Politically-Correct Outlet for Pent-Up Racism

I stumbled across this article today as I was screening the stories I received relating to Orthodox News from around the world.

The article had some good thought put into it and the author "CzechRebel" clarified many things about this infamous time during the Clinton Presidency when America led a coalition that bombed back into the stone ages Serbia for reasons I could not completely buy then and I do not buy at all now when the media began its propaganda against Serbia.

Read the article and follow its links and even if you disagree, at least the important work of creating critical thinking would be done in relation to the Mainstream Apparatus Media which clouds our thinking and diverts our attention away from Truth.

I have posted before random thoughts and gut feelings about why such things are taking place here, here and here on other articles.

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