Thursday, October 04, 2007

Restoring Orthodox Gateways to Heaven

(left)The Church of the Transfiguration in Zamitye in the Tver region looks like it has been left to rot for decades, despite the beautiful frescoes in the cupola
(above left)Svetlana Melnikova
(above right)Melnikova discovered the St. Nicholas Church, built in 1848, in a Tver forest.
This is a very nice article about the effort to restore many churches in Russia left to rot during the Soviet era but which many in present day Russia are re-discovering as the spiritual renewal takes force.
Thursday, October 4, 2007. Issue 3757. Page 1.
Staff Writer
ZAMITYE, Tver Region -- Outside the vast church in the village of Zamitye, birds circle the dome where they have made their nests. Restorer Vladimir Yakubeni steps over the weeds growing out of the crumbling steps to unchain 3-meter-high iron gates.

The Church of the Transfiguration dates back to 1822 and looks as if it has been left to rot for decades, despite the beautiful frescoes in the cupola. A piece of farm machinery lies in one chapel, indicating that the church was once used as a warehouse.

Valentina Sokolova, head of the Zamitye village council, follows Yakubeni into the church and wipes dust and bird feathers off photographs of icons left by villagers.

"A village is only a village when it has a school and a church," said Sokolova, a former staunch communist who was baptized three years ago.
The church is among scores of magnificent houses of worship lying in disrepair, little known and unappreciated, just a few hours' drive from ...READ THE REST HERE:

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