Saturday, August 11, 2007

Church Attacks 'Ideology of Science'

Thursday, August 9, 2007. Issue 3717. Page 3.

By Mansur Mirovalev
The Associated Press

A spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church said Wednesday that the country's schools should teach religious principles and moral values, and accused some leading scientists of trying to impose the "ideology of science" on the school system.

The church spokesman, Father Vsevolod Chaplin, was rebutting a group of prominent scientists who recently protested the church's growing influence on Russian society.


Read previous post related to this story:


Go Russia!

I personally would love to see "Science" as it is currently defined by atheists seriously challenged along this tack that the Church is firing back with. It is a voice long muffled anywhere that I know of.
The current stance of those complaining about "Religion" seems to fall along the lines of:

'Now, now. You religious people can keep your quaint beliefs in your
god. It's ok. We understand. We're not out to stop you, you
know. But seriously, you guys need to get out of the business of
interpreting the meaning of the Cosmos in the sense you do, that behind it lies
a god who created it and hopefully in time this, along with the other myths, will
fall by the wayside.'
I do not intend on this post to bring out questions of the underpinnings of "Science". Nor do I intend on this post to mention the pre-suppositions that are held without question to be true in order that "Science", as defined in juxtaposition to the existence of God who created the heavens and the earth, as the only viable choice for any sane or intelligent person to hold.

On a more personal level, I hold that the effort to hoist this yoke upon humanity, that of "Science", as held in the view point above of those denouncing the Church, is much more insiduous than a mere contest between ideologies.

But this is a subject for a future post(or series of posts).

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