Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why Write?

I've been real quiet on my posting of late. My friend Joel stated on his blog that he ran into this problem at one point of his writing and I think I'm somewhat at the same spot. In a sense, I'm still finding my voice. I have enjoyed, however, visiting others' blogs and checking in there and I continue to do so.

One of my fears is writing irrelevant nonsense just to hear myself talk. My joy is to express the Orthodox Faith through the prism of my own unique person in an authentic manner and not just be a parrot, speaking but not experiencing the truth I'm writing. If the Orthodox Faith is the True Faith, it must be able to communicate Itself via anything and everything as all things that are true anywhere at anytime find their fulfillment in Christ, their ultimate meaning and their "is-ness", what they are in their essence, revealed in Him who is the Creator of essence itself as the Apostle tells us in Colossians 1:15-20.

And so The Faith enters "the laboratory" to be worked out in my person and if I'm fortunate to be given words to ably describe the experiments failed and successful, fine. If not, fine.

But also I must heed the Master's words that every idle word will be be given account for. This places a heavier challenge on me because I know myself; I can be and am very glib with spewing words and information out to the four winds. Adding to the challenge is knowing of the Saints who would withdraw into seclusion to practice ascetic discipline and return after much struggle to speak with us and not before, measuring each word to convey their experience and not their theories.

Me? It's difficult to keep my mouth shut for very long and to silence my thoughts is virtually impossible. And still I give advice. Just ask me.

However, in regards to writing, there is much in me that I pray I may be able to bring out and I think the only way to do it will be to keep writing; hitting and missing. I find joy in finding words to express concepts to make sense of things that were merely inklings buried in the innermost me but come to think of it, these inklings cannot be truly "mere" because of the depth of the human person created in the image of God. They are "mere" to me because of my inability to give them life through laziness on my part in regards to prayer and fasting and the other disciplines to crystallize the thoughts to be put in a form to be expressed cogently and purposely.

Well, perhaps this writing is a step in the right direction.


  1. Sophocles,

    It is nice to see you finding more direction. I look forward to your comming posts.

    May you always glorify the Lord Jesus in your posts and in your life,

  2. Joel,

    And you as well, dear brother.

  3. Anonymous4:51 AM

    To write or not to write. Is it a distraction away from prayer, or is it a prayer in and of itself enabled through a different type of mind, heart, body cooperation. Yes, I think writing is a kind of confession, which is good for the soul.

    May the effort be filled with grace.

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    May you never write again till you start going to the Greek Church.

    In Christ and Fellowship, Your Heathen Brother, George.

  5. Andrea,

    Yes, it is confession and much, much more. But there is also the other dimension of writing for oneself privately or in a public forum and I much check my motives as to why I write in a public place. "For every idle word" He says I will answer, so there is the real responsiblity I automatically assume when I choose to put my words out on the blogosphere that may influence another person either to their harm or to their benefit. Truly, may the effort then be filled with grace.


    With such an admonishment you may force me into atheism's gates, so measure your wisdom wisely infidel.

  6. Anonymous5:04 AM


    I'm reminded of the part of the morning prayers that says, "and let them not perish because of me, a sinner. Bow."

  7. Andrea,

    You know, you bring up a good point with that line. We, as communicating creatures, have yet that fallen nature from which the communication springs from and because of the corruption with which our communications are laden, we have need to pray for those with whom we communicate. And of course, except in certain cases as with solitaries, the answer is not to cease communication but to recognize our sickened condition and to recognize that inadvertently we, unless our speech is tempered with wisdom, as the Apostle adjoins us to do so, will pass on this sickness to those with whom we communicate.

  8. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Here's a quote from Elder Porphyrios that convicts and encourages me,

    "Man has such powers that he can transmit good or evil to his environment. These matters are very delicate. Great care is needed. We need to see everything in a positive frame of mind. We mustn’t think anything evil about others. Even a simple glance or a sigh influences those around us. And even the slightest anger or indignation does harm. We need to have goodness and love in our soul and to transmit these things.

    But, in truth, the person who has good within him radiates this good power to others, mystically and gently. He sends light to his neighbour and this creates a shield around him and protects him from evil. When we possess a good disposition towards others and pray, then we heal our fellows and we help them progress towards God.

    There is an invisible life, the life of the soul. This is very powerful and can have effect on the other, even if we are miles apart. This also happens with the curse, which is a power that works evil. But if, conversely, we pray with love for someone, whatever the distance that separates us, the good is transmitted. So distances do not affect the power of good and evil. We can transmit these across boundless distances. Solomon the Wise says this very thing: ‘The noise of murmurings shall not be hidden.’ [7] The noise of our soul is transmitted mysteriously and affects the other, even if we don’t say a word. Even without speaking we can transmit good or evil, irrespective of the distance which separates us from our neighbour. What is not expressed generally has greater power than words."


  9. Andrea,

    When words like these of the Saints are spoken, there is nothing to do but to be silent, to take them in an to desire to make them my own.
    Thank you for this post. The words come at a time when I need them.
    Are you the same Andrea I first met on Energetic Procession?

  10. Anonymous10:46 PM


    I like you. Do you have a blog? And thanks for geronda's quote. His writings are amazing.

    I would be forcing you to atheism's gates or help you remain? ;)

    I'm only bitter because I miss you brother. :)

  11. George,

    Miss you too.

  12. Anonymous4:08 AM


    Yes, I met you on Energetic Procession - btw your recent comments about philosophy are very helpful and prioritizing and are beautifully complemented by Father Patrick's, imo.

  13. Anonymous4:37 AM


    Thank you for blessing me with your positive vibes. :)

    I guess our blogs aren't automatically accessible under our names here. Do your have one? I hesitate to bring mine to more obvious attention as it is sort of random, sometimes dark, and may be dumb. I have also vented negative vibes on occasion, Lord have mercy. But such is the state of this sinner seeking improvement. Therefore, proceed with caution to andreaelizabeth.vox.com.

    Yours and Sophocles' back and forth is fun. :)

  14. Anonymous9:07 PM


    I do not have one yet, but I will defintely check you out soon. I'm glad you caught yourself with your negative vibes. Very good grasshopper! You are progressing to the virtues of the saints. And yes, a very hard task to accomplish, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

  15. Andrea,

    I'm going to add you to my blogroll with your permission.


    I'm going to add you too...oh, wait a minute. You don't have one yet do you? Well....we're waiting....!

  16. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Yes George, what are you waiting for? They're free.

    Sophocles, T'would be an honor. I already added you to mine, well my new one on Wordpress which allows me more links. I hope that's ok.

  17. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Alright, alright. But I'm going to call it "Heathen Patrol". It will be a blog where we try to catch heathens who are Greek and try to go to Russian Churchs and sing western hymnology formed by the pagans. :)

    Still miss ya brother!

  18. George,

    Sounds like a great concept for a blog. Who or what inspired it? Who do you possibly have in mind to catch at this dastardly deed first?

  19. Anonymous10:59 AM

    There's are a certain man I'd like to catch. I can't reveal his identity but I can give you my blog code name for him...GOSB (Good Ole Sally Boy)

    Yes ya later..Sal ;)

  20. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Monsieur Sophocles,

    I wrote some more thoughts on writing in http://bloggingsbetter.wordpress.com/

  21. The love vibes emanating from this room.....

  22. I'm still checking in. You're still quiet. I hope you don't wait till you come up with something incredibly deep or profound or perfect before you post again. Just normal human ramblings of TRYING to get close to God really are worthy enough. Know you are missed.

  23. Anonymous8:13 AM

    So, how's the weather in Las Vegas?

  24. Belladonna,

    I'm starting to feel the guilt.


    The weather? You know. Las Vegas is notoriously hot. 4th of July is forecasted at 112 Degrees.

  25. Anonymous5:24 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Thanks Sophocles,

    I hope your the 4th wasn't as hot as expected.

  27. Andrea,

    You wouldn't believe it, but it was actually hotter than what I told you it was forecasted for. I think we got 117or 118 F.

  28. Anonymous6:05 AM


    That is incredible. I'm never going to complain about Texas' mere 103 degree days again. Of course humidity makes a difference. Yesterday we went hiking near a lake with some friends that are visiting and though it was only in the 90's the humidity from our recent unseasonable monsoons wiped us out and we cut it short.
