Monday, April 02, 2007

Exit the Blog Scene during Holy Week

Great and Holy Week is upon us. I will not post anything until the glorious Resurrection of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ.
Pray for me, a..sinner.


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Blessings as Holy Week ends and we head to Pascha.

    -papa herman

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    “Today Hades cries out groaning:
    I should not have accepted the Man born of Mary.
    He came and destroyed my power.
    He shattered the gates of brass.
    As God, He raised the souls I had held captive.
    Glory to Thy cross and resurrection, O Lord!”

    (Vesperal Liturgy of Holy Saturday)

    -papa herman

  3. Happy Easter!
    The Lord is risen!

    Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Easter Season. I look forward to talking to you more soon. I have exciting news! I was asked to have dinner with my bishop a week from tomorrow. I am looking forward to it.

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Wow Joel that sounds like quite an honor.
    Its great to be a part of so much love and forgiveness.

  5. Papa Herman,

    Thankyou for your well wishing. I pray also for your Pascha to be glorious.


    That is great news. Let me know the details as they develop.
